Sunnybrae Bible Camp is a non-profit society owned by fifteen local Fellowship Baptist Churches. Nine full-time staff live and work on the property year round hosting more than six thousand guests per year. With a total of 424 beds housed in 52,000 square feet of buildings, our summer requires an additional ninety-plus staff in our peak season to achieve an exceptional camper experience. Of these seasonal staff Sunnybrae employs forty-eight young adult summer staff who work directly with campers, all of whom must have graduated high school and undergo a vigorous interview process. Sunnybrae also employs fifty 15-18 year-old students who form work crews in our Servant And Leadership Training (S.A.L.T.) Program. These teams support our janitorial and food services departments, along with assisting our cabin leaders, growing in their leadership and abilities while giving enormous support to our hardworking summer staff team.
SBC is committed to keep camper fees below 0.75% of an average family income, while maintaining high standards relating to facility, programming and meals. A modest 25% of our operating budget is generated by camper fees. The remaining revenues are generated through our churches, donors and rental groups.
Sunnybrae has impacted so many lives, we trust this summer will be no different. Hope to see you then!
Tim Paquette
Executive Director