REGISTRATION DEADLINE: APRIL 28TH *Denotes Required Field * Title Ladies Retreat Registration * First Name * Last Name * Email * Phone ( ) - * Mailing Address * City * Province * Postal Code Food Allergies: If you have any food restrictions please check them off from the list below. Our kitchen staff will do their very best to accommodate these, however, due to the open nature of our kitchen, we want you to be aware that there is risk of cross contamination. If you are anaphylactic to any foods, or have a food intolerance, allergy, or special diet not listed below, the kitchen staff may not be able to accommodate your dietary needs. However, a fridge and microwave will be accessible for you to supplement your meals during your stay. If not listed, please indicate your dietary need under "Other", and contact the office at 250-835-4596, so we can discuss your best options. We are not a nut-free facility. Gluten Free (intolerant) Gluten Free (Celiac) Dairy Free (able to ingest in baking) Dairy Free (unable to ingest in baking) Peanuts (mild-moderate allergy) Tree Nuts (mild-moderate allergy) Vegetarian Other * Please explain Roommate Request Our Ladies Retreat is intended for the women of our Fellowship Baptist Churches. If you currently attend, are thinking of attending, or were invited by someone who attends a Fellowship Baptist Church, this retreat is for you! If your church connection is not listed below, please contact the office to discuss further: 250.835.4596 * Church Please select an option First Baptist - Armstrong Bethany Baptist - Barriere Golden Baptist Church Copper Island Church - Sorrento Dallas Barnhartvale - Kamloops First Baptist - Kamloops Westsyde Fellowship - Kamloops Providence Baptist - Kelowna Live Free Church - Kelowna Lavington Fellowship Baptist The Rock Baptist - Logan Lake Merritt Baptist Mountainside Community Church - Fernie Mountainside Community Church - Sparwood Princeton Fellowship Baptist Revelstoke Fellowship Church Shuswap Community - Chase Shuswap Community - Salmon Arm Sicamous Community Church Emmanuel Baptist - Vernon Emmanuel Baptist - Falkland * Are you between the ages of 16-19? No Yes This age bracket is eligible for a $30 Discount (applies only to Full Weekend rate only).Apply discount manually when making payment. I will be attending (please check off all that apply): Full Weekend - $165 We want to accommodate as many ladies as possible and therefore aim to use the top bunks of our camp beds. Please indicate below if you are comfortable accessing a top bunk for the weekend. Please select an option Yes, I am comfortable accessing and sleeping on a top bunk. No, I am more comfortable accessing a bottom bunk. Full Weekend (not overnight) - $140 Friday Night - $40 Saturday - $110 Sunday Morning - $40 * Payment Method Credit Card - follow prompts on next page E-transfer - send through online banking app to Cheque - mail to Sunnybrae Bible Camp, 3915 Sunnybrae Canoe Point Rd, Tappen, BC, V0E 2X1